Europe After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.5

1978. Europe After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.5.

TitleEurope After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.5

Ernst creates "frottage", creating images from the impression of surfaces; quote from Ernst over demonstration of producing image of floorboard by rubbing black lead on covering paper. Les mœurs des feuilles / The Customs of Leaves (1926) and others from Histoire Naturelle (1926). Wheel of Light. Photograph of Surrealists. Several "visiting cards", with different slogans, from their Research Office in rue de Grenelle. Extract from La Passion de Jeanne d’Arc (1928) showing Antonin Artaud, who, as Director of the Research Office, wrote addresses to the Dalai Lama and the Buddhists asking for guidance; quotations over footage of Tibetan religious practices. Photograph of Salvador Dali: The Basket of Bread (1926), The Persistence of Memory (1931); quotation over of his view that "the illusion of the most abject and arriviste imitative art … can all become sublime hierarchies of thought and a path to a new precision of concrete irrationality". The Enigma of William Tell (1933). Photograph of Dali; commentary talks about his "paranoia critical" method: Face of Mae West Which May Be Used as an Apartment / Visage de Mae West… (1935); The Metamorphosis of Narcissus (1937): quotation from Dali over, talking about the possibility of "the total discrediting of the world of reality. Slave Market with the Disappearing Bust of Voltaire (1940). Swans Reflecting Elephants (1937). Commentary says that Dali’s arrival in Paris (1928) coincided with a second phase of Surrealism, "creating concrete models of irrationality". Photograph of Yves Tanguy. Untitled landscape (1937). The Furniture of Time (1939). Indefined Divisibility (1942). Multiplication of the Arcs (1954). Photograph of Max Ernst: examples of his collages made from 19th century illustrations, including Une semaine de bonté.

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Europe After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.2
1978. Europe After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.2.

Europe After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.3
1978. Europe After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.3.

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1978. Europe After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.4.

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1978. Europe After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.7.

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1978. Europe After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.8.

Europe After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.9
1978. Europe After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.9.

Europe After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.10
1978. Europe After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.10.

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