Europe After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.7

1978. Europe After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.7.

TitleEurope After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.7

Sound poems by Schwitters over photographs of his Hanover Merzbau (1923-1937), one of his publications; several "Merz" pictures. Newsreel of Nazi burning books; Adolf Hitler opening the Munich Haus der deutschen Kunst, filled with "pure Aryan art", and touring exhibits such as sculptures by Arno Breker and Josef Thorak. A dead body in the street; photomontage, A Pan German (1933), by John Heartfield showing Julius Streicher standing in the blood; Millions Stand Behind Me / Millionen stehen hinter mir!... (1932), Through Light to Night / Durch Licht zur Nacht (1933). Goering, the Butcher of the Third Reich / Goering, der Henker des dritten Reichs (1933), War and Corpses – the Last Hope of the Rich (1932). Madrid (1936). Was die Engel zum Chrisfest bekamen / What the Angels got for Christmas (c.1938). Adolf the Superman: Eats Gold and Spouts Junk / Adolf der Übermensch – Schluckt Gold und redet Blech (1932). Photographs of Dali, asked by other Surrealists "to justify his obsessive interest in Hitler"; Dali’s description of this "trial" over photographs (by Man Ray) of the mannequins at the 1938 International Exhibition of Surrealism. Newspaper headlines and photographs announcing Sigmund Freud’s arrival in London. Dali’s drawing of Freud (1938); Freud’s views of the Surrealists, particularly Dali, over Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres’s portrait of Mme. Ines Moitessier Seated (1856), and Dali’s The Birth of Liquid Desires (1932). British Movietone News item, Trotsky in Mexico (1936) (Frida Kahlo visible behind Leon Trotsky and his wife; one of Fritz Bach’s 1938 photographs of Trotsky with Breton and Diego Rivera; Breton and Trotsky; film of Trotsky with VO quoting his views on art: "In art, Man expresses his need for harmony … there is … protest against reality in any authentic artistic creation…" Headlines announcing Trotsky’s death. Photographs of French Surrealists, many of whom went to New York after Germany invaded France. "Visionary landscapes" by Ernst; The Great Forest, 1927; Europe after the Rain II (1940-1942); The Eye of Silence (1943-1944); The Robing of the Bride (1940); The Antipope (1941-1942); L'Ange du foyer ou Le Triomphe du surréalisme (1937). The Temptation of St. Anthony (1945).

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Europe After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.2
1978. Europe After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.2.

Europe After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.3
1978. Europe After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.3.

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1978. Europe After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.4.

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1978. Europe After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.5.

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1978. Europe After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.6.

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1978. Europe After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.8.

Europe After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.9
1978. Europe After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.9.

Europe After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.10
1978. Europe After the Rain. Dada and Surrealism - ACE066.10.

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