Jack B. Yeats. Assembled memories, 1871-1957 - ACE106.2

1981. Jack B. Yeats. Assembled memories, 1871-1957 - ACE106.2.

TitleJack B. Yeats. Assembled memories, 1871-1957 - ACE106.2

Early fairground scenes. Fairground paintings by Jack Yeats. A Self-portrait. VO gives his background. Sunset; beach and seaside fields. VO of Yeats’s words describing how his book Sligo got its title. VO describing Yeats’s boyhood. Footage of men leaving building. Painting of boxing match. Film of boxing contest. Boxing painting. Sketches and drawings of boxing events. Yeats words VO about impact of the lighting on what he saw. Sketches of travelling fairs. Seaside. Paintings of race meeting. Race horses exercising on the beach. Yeats’s words VO on ballads. Painting and sketch of race meeting crowds and competitors. Drawing of uprising of 1798. Paintings of same event.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5q20/jack-b-yeats-assembled-memories-1871-1957-ace106-2

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Jack B. Yeats. Assembled memories, 1871-1957 - ACE106.3
1981. Jack B. Yeats. Assembled memories, 1871-1957 - ACE106.3.

Jack B. Yeats. Assembled memories, 1871-1957 - ACE106.4
1981. Jack B. Yeats. Assembled memories, 1871-1957 - ACE106.4.

Jack B. Yeats. Assembled memories, 1871-1957 - ACE106.5
1981. Jack B. Yeats. Assembled memories, 1871-1957 - ACE106.5.

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