Jack B. Yeats. Assembled memories, 1871-1957 - ACE106.5

1981. Jack B. Yeats. Assembled memories, 1871-1957 - ACE106.5.

TitleJack B. Yeats. Assembled memories, 1871-1957 - ACE106.5

Painting. Dawn. VO saying his paintings met with "almost total incomprehension". Book plates illustrating the more common social realism style of his contemporaries; cartoon strip criticising his methods. Painting, Singing "Oh Had I the Wings of a Swallow" (1925) Yeats’s words VO answering his brother’s description of the paintings as "great"; and on how he would never again discuss the meaning of his pictures. Interior Yeats’s house; photographs, etc. Fairground painting. A Silence, There is no Night (1949) and others. VO on Yeats’s working methods. Images of war. Yeats’s words over other paintings. Grief (1951). Commentary talking about Cottie’s death. Brief (fourteen seconds) recording of Yeats, made soon after her death in 1947. Paintings. Credits.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5q23/jack-b-yeats-assembled-memories-1871-1957-ace106-5

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Jack B. Yeats. Assembled memories, 1871-1957 - ACE106.2
1981. Jack B. Yeats. Assembled memories, 1871-1957 - ACE106.2.

Jack B. Yeats. Assembled memories, 1871-1957 - ACE106.3
1981. Jack B. Yeats. Assembled memories, 1871-1957 - ACE106.3.

Jack B. Yeats. Assembled memories, 1871-1957 - ACE106.4
1981. Jack B. Yeats. Assembled memories, 1871-1957 - ACE106.4.

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