Shadows from Light. The photography of Bill Brandt - ACE135.2

1983. Shadows from Light. The photography of Bill Brandt - ACE135.2.

TitleShadows from Light. The photography of Bill Brandt - ACE135.2

Commentary describes the film as "a cinematographic journey through the photographic atmospheres of Bill Brandt". Nude model seats herself on chaise longue. Part reflected in mirror. Photograph of Bill Brandt. Wax hand on mantelpieces, chair, model; child’s VO quoting from Through the Looking Glass. Glass objects reflected in mantelpiece mirror. Picture of Brandt fades in in background. Brandt in profile. Objects. Commentary gives basic biographical details, pointing out that he studied with Surrealists, Dadaists and Metaphysical artists in the 1920s, photographed Britain in the 1930s and wartime London in the 1940s. Brandt at home. Photographs. Photographic self-portrait. Brandt’s VO describing the picture. Brandt at home. His VO talking about Citizen Kane, its set design and perspectives, which inspired him to take photographs. Some of Brandt’s nude studies.

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Shadows from Light. The photography of Bill Brandt - ACE135.3
1983. Shadows from Light. The photography of Bill Brandt - ACE135.3.

Shadows from Light. The photography of Bill Brandt - ACE135.4
1983. Shadows from Light. The photography of Bill Brandt - ACE135.4.

Shadows from Light. The photography of Bill Brandt - ACE135.5
1983. Shadows from Light. The photography of Bill Brandt - ACE135.5.

Shadows from Light. The photography of Bill Brandt - ACE135.6
1983. Shadows from Light. The photography of Bill Brandt - ACE135.6.

Shadows from Light. The photography of Bill Brandt - ACE135.7
1983. Shadows from Light. The photography of Bill Brandt - ACE135.7.

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