Shadows from Light. The photography of Bill Brandt - ACE135.7

1983. Shadows from Light. The photography of Bill Brandt - ACE135.7.

TitleShadows from Light. The photography of Bill Brandt - ACE135.7

Nude. View of front garden. Nude. Brandt and his VO talking about his experiences with the Surrealists in Paris. Various photographs. Model walking out of room. Photographic distortions. Model re-enters room. Brandt VO on using nudes in order to be able to photograph rooms, and about distortions. Photographs. Quotation from Albert Sands Southworth on producing pictures with a camera. Nudes. Portraits: John Le Carré. Edith Sitwell. Paul Scofield. Franco Zeffirelli. Ivy Compton Burnett. J. B. Priestley. Harold Pinter. Edna O’Brien. Kenneth Tynan. Malcolm Muggeridge. Edith and Osbert Sitwell. House interior. Photograph. Stephen Dwoskin during the filming. Bill Brandt with his camera; his VO identifies this scene as having been taken during the filming. Credits.

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Shadows from Light. The photography of Bill Brandt - ACE135.2
1983. Shadows from Light. The photography of Bill Brandt - ACE135.2.

Shadows from Light. The photography of Bill Brandt - ACE135.3
1983. Shadows from Light. The photography of Bill Brandt - ACE135.3.

Shadows from Light. The photography of Bill Brandt - ACE135.4
1983. Shadows from Light. The photography of Bill Brandt - ACE135.4.

Shadows from Light. The photography of Bill Brandt - ACE135.5
1983. Shadows from Light. The photography of Bill Brandt - ACE135.5.

Shadows from Light. The photography of Bill Brandt - ACE135.6
1983. Shadows from Light. The photography of Bill Brandt - ACE135.6.

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