The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.10

1984. The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.10.

TitleThe Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.10

A prototype for the Rotary Demisphere; extract from of Anémic Cinéma (1926). Duchamp goes into mass production with twelve Rotoreliefs installed at a 1935 inventors’ fair in Paris, and intended to be played at 33rpm on a gramophone. Share certificate for Duchamp’s 1926 roulette system. Various photographs, including objects in his New York studio. Toby plays more games. Some of Duchamp’s work in the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Recording of Duchamp’s voice over talking about the contribution made by the spectator. Toby believes Duchamp is playing a game for its own sake. Brief shot of Duchamp playing chess. Pages from his chess treatise on avoiding mate. Other works: Please Touch (1947), Female Fig Leaf (1950), Object dard / Dart Object (1951/1962 ), Wedge of Chastity (1954/1963), Shaved Gioconda or L.H.O.O.Q, shaved (1965). Additions to The Large Glass drawn in 1959. A reworking of his Blainville landscape, Water and Woods, made with talcum powder, chocolate, and other unusual materials (1953). Etant donnés: 1 La chute d'eau, 2 Le gaz d'eclairage / Given: 1. The Waterfall, 2. The Illuminating Gas (1946-1966), New York. Duchamp voice: the artist acts like a medium. He stipulated that no photographs should ever be taken of his final work, a 3-D piece in the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Credits.

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The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.2
1984. The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.2.

The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.3
1984. The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.3.

The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.4
1984. The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.4.

The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.5
1984. The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.5.

The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.6
1984. The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.6.

The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.7
1984. The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.7.

The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.8
1984. The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.8.

The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.9
1984. The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.9.

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