The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.8

1984. The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.8.

TitleThe Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.8

Mrs Hudson brings in refreshments. Toby starts on more word interpretations, drawing their attention to an early drawing of a cyclist, this and other clues lead them to think of Calvary; Holmes relates the plot of Alfred Jarry’s The Passion Considered as an Uphill Bicycle Race. Duchamp agrees that the work ‘had a naughty connotation with Christ… when Christ was stripped bare’. Toby produces more information, a comparison with Raphael’s Assumption of the Virgin, and then synthesises a soundtrack based on images from the work. Holmes mentions the subtitle "delay in glass". Watson says his notes are full of questions. Holmes asks if art should be expected to provide answers as questions are more interesting. He describes a door that Duchamp designed to open one room while closing another, thus conflicting with Cartesian logic.

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The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.2
1984. The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.2.

The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.3
1984. The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.3.

The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.4
1984. The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.4.

The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.5
1984. The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.5.

The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.6
1984. The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.6.

The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.7
1984. The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.7.

The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.9
1984. The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.9.

The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.10
1984. The Case of Marcel Duchamp - ACE145.10.

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