Buildings. Who Cares? - ACE152.5

1985. Buildings. Who Cares? - ACE152.5.

TitleBuildings. Who Cares? - ACE152.5

Presentation of "Europa Nostra" medal to Mayor of Chester. Commentary explains that it was given as the result of the Riverside project in the old city. Tony and Margaret Eaton describe how they became caught up with the Riverside restoration as a result of setting up their own home and shop in the city. Commentary describes how company building underground car park have become involved in conservation. R.S.Oliver of Design & Construction (Oliver) Ltd. On how they found Roman paving on the site, and built an underground chamber to preserve the remains. Insall VO talking about the need for long-term planning, administrative machinery and legal powers. Cyril Morris, Director, Technical Services, says that Chester is unique, the first city to have a conservation policy, and the first to levy a penny rate for conservation. Planning committee meeting attended by Morris and Insall discussing planning applications received. Insall VO describes the pedestrianisation of the city centre. Commentary says that people enjoy a "walkabout city", but that shops are as important as shoppers. Paul Quellyn Roberts talking about the key to successful pedestrian schemes being access. He would like to be able to adapt for more commercial use a listed building 25 metres behind those in Watergate Road which, like many nearby, is in poor repair, and proper up by iron beams and scaffolding, etc. Commentary points out that commercial enterprise adapted a 12th century vault to modern use. A gathering of architects, including John Topping, who believes that "an architect’s task is to create a space and a place for people, rather than a fashion"; John Collins, President, Cheshire Society of Architects, on the challenge of building in a modern style in keeping with older surroundings; Gilbert Parry, Chairman, Festival of Architecture Committee says an architect will never be "right" in a conservation area, but must try to be sympathetic to surroundings, reflects modern architecture, and pleases the public.

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Buildings. Who Cares? - ACE152.2
1985. Buildings. Who Cares? - ACE152.2.

Buildings. Who Cares? - ACE152.3
1985. Buildings. Who Cares? - ACE152.3.

Buildings. Who Cares? - ACE152.4
1985. Buildings. Who Cares? - ACE152.4.

Buildings. Who Cares? - ACE152.6
1985. Buildings. Who Cares? - ACE152.6.

Buildings. Who Cares? - ACE152.7
1985. Buildings. Who Cares? - ACE152.7.

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