Buildings. Who Cares? - ACE152.6

1985. Buildings. Who Cares? - ACE152.6.

TitleBuildings. Who Cares? - ACE152.6

Commentary describing the restoration of a near-derelict terrace: a Jacobean hall became a Greek restaurant. Many original features remain. Working on terrace of cottages in Albion Street. Heber Fearnall, Chairman, Muir Group Housing Association, on the role played by the Association in saving Albion Street. Work proceeding. Fearnall says that most of the former residents wanted to return to Albion Street and maintain their community. Albert Dock. Commentary introduces Lord Montagu of Beaulieu, Chairman, Historic Buildings snd Monuments Commission, a new Government initiative, who talks about the move to conserve buildings from the Industrial Revolution, and talks about the redevelopment plans for the docklands area, and the role of the Commission. Sign for The Priory in Lavenham, Suffolk, kept open to the public by its private owners, Alan and Gwenneth Casey. Alan Casey talks about the building and how they turned it from a derelict structure into something approaching its original appearance. Various shots before and after the work. Commentary says that choices in such work are inevitably personal and can be difficult to resolve.

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Buildings. Who Cares? - ACE152.2
1985. Buildings. Who Cares? - ACE152.2.

Buildings. Who Cares? - ACE152.3
1985. Buildings. Who Cares? - ACE152.3.

Buildings. Who Cares? - ACE152.4
1985. Buildings. Who Cares? - ACE152.4.

Buildings. Who Cares? - ACE152.5
1985. Buildings. Who Cares? - ACE152.5.

Buildings. Who Cares? - ACE152.7
1985. Buildings. Who Cares? - ACE152.7.

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