Fast and Furious. The life & times of Nina Hamnett - ACE178.3

1989. Fast and Furious. The life & times of Nina Hamnett - ACE178.3.

TitleFast and Furious. The life & times of Nina Hamnett - ACE178.3

Farrington VO describes the relationship between Hamnett and Gaudier-Brzeska over sketches of nudes. Hamnett’s VO talks about "becoming an artist". Film of Paris in the early 1900s and 1920s, artists at work in studio, etc. Hamnett VO describes being visited by Modigliani. Farrington VO over portrait of Hamnett by Modigliani and portrait by Hamnett of Ossip Zadkine (1914), influenced by the work of Modigliani. Hamnett VO describing her life in Paris over various photographs and film of a fancy dress ball. Farrington VO over various photographs of Hamnett. Paintings. VO Hamnett talks about someone suggesting that she might get a decorative and furniture-painting job with the Omega Workshops in Fitzroy Square. Farrington talks about Roger Fry setting up the Workshops to give work to penniless artists and to try to influence British design. Farrington VO over examples of Omega design – on a piano front, on a table-top and surrounding chairs, fabrics, etc. Farrington suggests that women may have had to carry out designs produced by male colleagues; everything was anonymous. Photographs of women, including Hamnett, at work. Sketches and paintings by Hamnett. Hamnett VO talking about the French influence on their work. James Hepburn talks about Hamnett’s work. Portrait of young man in background. Hamnett VO talking about her "psychological portraits" over various pictures including Reclining Man (c.1918). Various photographs of Paris with VOs talking about all the important artists and musicians Hamnett associated with there.
Original film and photographs of cafés, restaurants an night-clubs in Paris in about 1920. Farrington’s VO on Hamnett’s reaction to Paris, constructing an image of herself as "an eccentric, Bohemian English artist", and being the centre of the social scene. Artists of the period; portrait sketches and paintings by Hamnett who was not particularly interested in the new movements and styles.

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Fast and Furious. The life & times of Nina Hamnett - ACE178.2
1989. Fast and Furious. The life & times of Nina Hamnett - ACE178.2.

Fast and Furious. The life & times of Nina Hamnett - ACE178.4
1989. Fast and Furious. The life & times of Nina Hamnett - ACE178.4.

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