Fast and Furious. The life & times of Nina Hamnett - ACE178.4

1989. Fast and Furious. The life & times of Nina Hamnett - ACE178.4.

TitleFast and Furious. The life & times of Nina Hamnett - ACE178.4

Hamnett VO describes the appearance of her autobiography, Laughing Torso (1932). Press cuttings and reviews. Booth-Clibborn VO suggests reasons why it became an instant best-seller. Margaret Hepburn and VO film and photographs of English public houses, talking about being in London at the end of the era of literary and artistic people frequenting London pubs. Soho in the 1930s. John Heath-Stubbs VO suggesting that it had an atmosphere similar to that in Paris in the 19th century. Woman’s VO proposes that Hamnett went to pubs to relax and meet people. Sketches and watercolours by Hamnett of London streets, boxers, musicians, etc. Farrington VO on Hamnett’s talent for observation of the everyday way of life. John Heath-Stubbs and VO photographs of Hamnett and interiors public houses. Farrington VO photographs of Hamnett. Booth-Clibborn VO over photographs of Hamnett explaining that she didn’t look after herself, was twice hospitalised with broken hips; Hamnett’s hospital diary with sketches of other patients. Farrington VO points out that these sketches prove that Hamnett continued to work very late in her life, and continued to be interested in her sitters. VOs over photograph of Hamnett and film of her suitcase of scrapbooks and press cuttings. Hamnett VO over some of her portraits explaining that going to see a painting done long ago is like going to see an old friend, experience a mixture of nervousness and pleasure. The jigsaw puzzle pieces re-form into a photograph of Hamnett. Credits.

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Fast and Furious. The life & times of Nina Hamnett - ACE178.2
1989. Fast and Furious. The life & times of Nina Hamnett - ACE178.2.

Fast and Furious. The life & times of Nina Hamnett - ACE178.3
1989. Fast and Furious. The life & times of Nina Hamnett - ACE178.3.

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