Winifred Nicholson. Not Nailed Down - ACE180.3

1988. Winifred Nicholson. Not Nailed Down - ACE180.3.

TitleWinifred Nicholson. Not Nailed Down - ACE180.3

Paintings with commentary quoting Nicholson’s description of colours as "halts in the river of light" and saying that she tried to capture these moving colours which is one reason she painted fast. Donald Wilkinson describes Nicholson as painting fast but having thought a good deal about the subject first. Susie Honnor and Andy Christian: Honnor talks about Nicholson making pea-pod soup. Wilkinson talking about Nicholson’s sense of humour; her relationship with children, her "playing to win". Domestic subjects including The Warwick Family (1925-1926). Christian talks about Nicholson and her children, and about Ben Nicholson leaving her and their family; photographs. Berries in Window, Night, Fishbourne (1931-1932) Mughetti. Nicholson words VO talking about this painting as being "the idea of marriage" she had. Painting (Starry Eyed, 1927) and photographs of Ben and baby; VO commenting on Ben’s ideas for their "new relationship". Film and photographs of Paris to where Winifred moved with her children. Le Quai d’Auteuil (1932-1933). Photographs of the children; film of Paris. Collins VO talking about Nicholson’s contacts with Brancusi, Mondrian, Giacometti, etc., and her "acting as a significant link" between developments in Paris and London. Nicholson’s words VO, talking about "years of inspiration". Photographs of Bauhaus chairs, and contemporary pottery and buildings. Gouache of Cyclamen and Primula; more and more abstract versions of same, 1935-1936; Nicholson’s words VO talking about art becoming "functional". Untitled (1935-1936) and two abstracts. Nicholson talking in 1976 about the new idea that "you didn’t need to just copy like a photograph" or paint something "the colours that it was"; abstract painters dealt with "the spaces in between". Sun Circles (1936 and 1970). Nicholson interview. She talks about "the Abstract people" keeping to themselves: "they wouldn’t speak to the Surrealists". Views from moving trains. Nicholson’s words VO talking about her time in France and "saying goodbye", not just for herself "but for the whole world". Caption: "1939".

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Winifred Nicholson. Not Nailed Down - ACE180.2
1988. Winifred Nicholson. Not Nailed Down - ACE180.2.

Winifred Nicholson. Not Nailed Down - ACE180.4
1988. Winifred Nicholson. Not Nailed Down - ACE180.4.

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