Clocks of the Midnight Hours. The work of Max Eastley - ACE181.2

1988. Clocks of the Midnight Hours. The work of Max Eastley - ACE181.2.

TitleClocks of the Midnight Hours. The work of Max Eastley - ACE181.2

Waterfalls in woodland. Numbers of triangular ceramic and wire artefacts placed on rocks and on the shore act like Aeolian harps. A group of kite-shaped frames on a beach making noises as they vibrate in the wind. A group of pierced wooden "flutes" of different pitches tied to stakes on the beach. Night shot of a small piece of metal being dragged by a wire round in a circle, making different noises as it passes over sand and stones. Woman’s VO reads "The changing figurations of a cloud, the sandy footprints which the fatal wave as though asleep erases from the beach, the things which no-one sees…" A piece of bamboo dragged by a wire over a circle of other pieces of bamboo. Photograph of Eastley. One of his first collaborations was "World Music". Performers, with their heads completely covered by basketwork masks, whirling wood, cloth, rope, and rubber tubes, playing rattles and spinning tops.

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Clocks of the Midnight Hours. The work of Max Eastley - ACE181.3
1988. Clocks of the Midnight Hours. The work of Max Eastley - ACE181.3.

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