Clocks of the Midnight Hours. The work of Max Eastley - ACE181.3

1988. Clocks of the Midnight Hours. The work of Max Eastley - ACE181.3.

TitleClocks of the Midnight Hours. The work of Max Eastley - ACE181.3

Caption: "‘Cat versus Rat’". A Japanese Narration by Kazuko Hohki. Music by Max Eastley and David Toop". Woman’s voice reading in Japanese and English. Wooden blocks suspended in two concentric squares rap against each other and the spinning balls suspended between them Hanging metal rod spinning against metal bowls. Eastley playing a stringed instrument with a bow. Beads on wires knocking against wooden blocks. Landscape painting by Eastley. Water dripping in a limestone cave. Woman’s VO reads "The skull within. The secret shuttered heart. The by-ways of the blood I never see. The underworld of dreaming…" Glass and wire objects making tinkling sounds in the limestone cave. Clarinettist, and Eastley playing stringed instrument. Credits.

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Clocks of the Midnight Hours. The work of Max Eastley - ACE181.2
1988. Clocks of the Midnight Hours. The work of Max Eastley - ACE181.2.

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