Word of Mouth 4 - ACE216.2

1990. Word of Mouth 4 - ACE216.2.

TitleWord of Mouth 4 - ACE216.2

John Hegley introduces the programme, reads Glad to Wear Glasses, Glad to Have Ears, and introduces Rita Dove. Rita Dove reads The Great Palaces of Versailles. Hegley reads From the Very Beginning I Loved My Glasses, and introduces Adrian Mitchell. Adrian Mitchell reads Back in the Playground Blues. Mitchell reads Victor Jara and talks about how Jara is still remembered in Chile. Mitchell introduces and reads Sorry ’Bout That.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5vv7/word-of-mouth-4-ace216-2

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Word of Mouth 4 - ACE216.3
1990. Word of Mouth 4 - ACE216.3.

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