Word of Mouth 4 - ACE216.3

1990. Word of Mouth 4 - ACE216.3.

TitleWord of Mouth 4 - ACE216.3

Hegley introduces Tom Phillips, and a slide of his portrait of Adrian Mitchell. Slides of images from A Humument; Phillips describes the work and reads some of the texts. Hegley’s "dog", Herman Hessian, asks him about doing "a dogument". Hessian introduces Bert Schierbeck. Bert Schierbeek saying "Een pond veren vliegt niet als er geen vogel in zit" (A pound of feathers won’t fly…). Rita’s Bar, Rotterdam. Schierbeek reads Light at Sea (in Dutch, EST). Schierbeek reads Evening (in Dutch, EST). Schierbeek reads Li, on his Son (in Dutch, EST). Ships in Harbour. In the bar.
Schierbeek reads a brief poem about a dog (not translated). Hessian wants more poems about dogs. Hegley recites My Dog Died. Hessian introduces Rita Dove. Rita Dove reading Mickey. Credits over Dove reading.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5vv8/word-of-mouth-4-ace216-3

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Word of Mouth 4 - ACE216.2
1990. Word of Mouth 4 - ACE216.2.

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