Word of Mouth 8 - ACE220.2

1990. Word of Mouth 8 - ACE220.2.

TitleWord of Mouth 8 - ACE220.2

John Hegley introduces the programme, reads Not Far From Carlisle, Blackburn and Preston and Bradford to Bristol, and introduces Tadeusz Różewicz. Tadeusz Różewicz reads A Lesson in Patience, dedicated to Mieczysław Porębski (in Polish with EST). James Simmons reads Honeysuckle. Hegley introduces Tom Leonard. Tom Leonard introduces and reads The Good Thief from Unrelated Incidents. Leonard reads This is the Six O’Clock News from Unrelated Incidents. Leonard reads The Schooner, The Mother of Parliaments… from Situations Theoretical and Contemporary. Leonard reads Dear Member… from the same sequence. Leonard reads The Coach Driver Makes an Announcement… from the same sequence.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5vw0/word-of-mouth-8-ace220-2

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Word of Mouth 8 - ACE220.3
1990. Word of Mouth 8 - ACE220.3.

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