Word of Mouth 8 - ACE220.3

1990. Word of Mouth 8 - ACE220.3.

TitleWord of Mouth 8 - ACE220.3

Hegley reads In the Park and The Man in the Street. Audio recording of (Caption) "Kurt Schwitters, Experimental Artist and Poet, Born Hannover 1887", over film of Schwitters’s work on the Merzbarn at Marshaw Barn, near Ambleside. Hegley talks to Bob Cobbing, Concrete Poet, about Karl Schwitters’s life and work. More images of the Merzbarn sculptures, and some collages. Audio recording over; Caption "Kurt Schwitters, Died in Kendal, Cumbria 1948". Leonard reads Scotland Has Become an Independent Socialist Republic.... Leonard reads Efter They’d Gied Us a Spiel… from Unrelated Incidents. Leonard reads Right Enough, Ma Language is Disgraceful… from Unrelated Incidents. Leonard reads Despite the Fact That it Belonged to a Class o’ People… from Unrelated Incidents. Hegley introduces Francis Bebey. Francis Bebey playing a sanza (kalimba, thumb piano) which he says symbolises the world as a family, the dead beneath the ground. He sings It is an awful road to walk on… over footage of soldiers and injured children. Credits.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5vw1/word-of-mouth-8-ace220-3

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Word of Mouth 8 - ACE220.2
1990. Word of Mouth 8 - ACE220.2.

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