Word of Mouth 9 - ACE221.2

1990. Word of Mouth 9 - ACE221.2.

TitleWord of Mouth 9 - ACE221.2

John Hegley introduces the programme, recites Vision and Rowena, and introduces John Cooper Clarke. John Cooper Clarke introduces and recites Nothing. Clarke introduces and recites There Was a Young Fella from Leigh. Clarke recites from chapter one of his book, Tadpoles, the Poor Man’s Caviar. Tom Raworth recites The West over chattering toy teeth. Raworth recites Sing. Raworth reads part of West Wind. Raworth is about to recite University Days, but caption says "This poem has been removed for further study". Raworth reads Gracious Living: Tara. Raworth reads Hot Day at the Races over processed racing footage. Raworth recites Morning. Raworth with a speech balloon and the words of Reference. Raworth, seen against TV colour bars, recites Gaslight. Second image and echo superimposed. Raworth reads No Light, No Tunnel. Raworth reads English Opium. Hegley mentions Raworth’s book, Tottering State.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5vw2/word-of-mouth-9-ace221-2

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Word of Mouth 9 - ACE221.3
1990. Word of Mouth 9 - ACE221.3.

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