Word of Mouth 9 - ACE221.3

1990. Word of Mouth 9 - ACE221.3.

TitleWord of Mouth 9 - ACE221.3

Caption: "Tristan Tzara performs his Chanson Dada Dada Song". Early film of various kinds of races (horses, cycles, etc.) in France; sound recording (in French, with EST) of Tzara over. Hegley reads The Kiss, and introduces Adonis. Tanks in Lebanon. Caption: "The Desert. The Diary of Beirut Under Siege, 1982." Adonis reads The Desert (in Arabic with EST); footage of Adonis and escalators; rocket attacks, injured men in hospital, burning buildings, crying child, tanks, etc. Clarke introduces and recites (I’ve Got a Brand New) Track Suit and goes straight into Health Fanatic. Clarke recites Big Trouble in Little China. Credits over continuing reading.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5vw3/word-of-mouth-9-ace221-3

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Word of Mouth 9 - ACE221.2
1990. Word of Mouth 9 - ACE221.2.

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