Beyond the Forest. Hungarian music in Transylvania - ACE224.6

1991. Beyond the Forest. Hungarian music in Transylvania - ACE224.6.

TitleBeyond the Forest. Hungarian music in Transylvania - ACE224.6

Caption: "Gyimes."
Landscape. Village. Commentary says that the Csángó people are a minority within a minority; here "the most ancient culture of Transylvania has been kept alive since the Middle Ages". Elderly Gypsy couple, János Zerkula and his wife, Regina Fikó, playing fiddle and gardon ("hit cello"). Early film of couples dancing. Halmos VO describes the music of Gyimes as "the most ancient music culture", a combination of Hungarian and Balkan elements, and says that the Gypsies are totally integrated into village life. Zerkula and Fikó playing. Zerkula talking to Halmos about the sadness in the music, and about his own song "Russia is in the wrong place". Zerkula plays and sings. Music continues over rural scenes and old film of musician. Zerkula talks being punished for playing for Hungarians against the orders of the Ceaucescu regime. Caption: "Szék." Wedding procession - villagers in traditional costume. Commentary says that Szék is an exclusively Hungarian village. The wedding. Andrásfalvy talking about the conservation and development of Hungarian culture in Szék. Bride dressing, helped by village women. Village scenes. Halmas talking about first hearing music from Szék. Film of villagers dancing. Halmas VO on working with the Gypsies as colleagues and teachers, and on his relationship with the late István Ádám. He talks about the Dance House movement being seen as the basis for a new way of life for Hungary.

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Beyond the Forest. Hungarian music in Transylvania - ACE224.2
1991. Beyond the Forest. Hungarian music in Transylvania - ACE224.2.

Beyond the Forest. Hungarian music in Transylvania - ACE224.3
1991. Beyond the Forest. Hungarian music in Transylvania - ACE224.3.

Beyond the Forest. Hungarian music in Transylvania - ACE224.4
1991. Beyond the Forest. Hungarian music in Transylvania - ACE224.4.

Beyond the Forest. Hungarian music in Transylvania - ACE224.5
1991. Beyond the Forest. Hungarian music in Transylvania - ACE224.5.

Beyond the Forest. Hungarian music in Transylvania - ACE224.7
1991. Beyond the Forest. Hungarian music in Transylvania - ACE224.7.

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