Beyond the Forest. Hungarian music in Transylvania - ACE224.7

1991. Beyond the Forest. Hungarian music in Transylvania - ACE224.7.

TitleBeyond the Forest. Hungarian music in Transylvania - ACE224.7

Scenes in Szék. Bodor says that the Hungarian peasant communities in Romania should not be allowed to become "an outdoor museum" for tourists from Budapest. Thought they should preserve their culture, they should also enjoy modern facilities. Wedding celebrations continuing. Budapest Dance House. Same songs and dances in each place, with Halmas among the musicians. Peter Lerch believes that by taking up Transylvanian songs and dances, the Dance House movement has helped ensure the survival of the Hungarian communities there. Budapest scenes. Village scenes. Andrásfalvy says that modernisation is affecting the village communities but their culture must be recorded and be transmitted, especially to the young so they have "simple tools to express their emotions and to live them". Fodor and his group playing. Tőtszegi on the importance of valuing one’s own cultural heritage. Muzsikás and Márta Sebestyén peforming The Outlaw’s Song. Credits.

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Beyond the Forest. Hungarian music in Transylvania - ACE224.2
1991. Beyond the Forest. Hungarian music in Transylvania - ACE224.2.

Beyond the Forest. Hungarian music in Transylvania - ACE224.3
1991. Beyond the Forest. Hungarian music in Transylvania - ACE224.3.

Beyond the Forest. Hungarian music in Transylvania - ACE224.4
1991. Beyond the Forest. Hungarian music in Transylvania - ACE224.4.

Beyond the Forest. Hungarian music in Transylvania - ACE224.5
1991. Beyond the Forest. Hungarian music in Transylvania - ACE224.5.

Beyond the Forest. Hungarian music in Transylvania - ACE224.6
1991. Beyond the Forest. Hungarian music in Transylvania - ACE224.6.

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