London Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene - ACE244.2

1992. London Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene - ACE244.2.

TitleLondon Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene - ACE244.2

Views in Underground railway tunnels. Commuters. Traffic. Platforms. Trains. Caption: "The Sunday School Rehearsal Studio." Caption: "Vegetable Vision (Light Show) meet The Sandals for a demonstration." Musicians and technicians setting up instruments and testing equipment. Caption: "Barry Andrews filming Sacred City."
Crew and actors. Caption: "Evolution Records; Fraser and Rick." Fraser and Rick being interviewed by a young Japanese journalist. Captions: "11:59 in rehearsal." "6.30 p.m." Rehearsal studios. Oh Man What Have You Done? Interview with Fraser about underground house music. The filming: red-painted actor coming out of telephone box. The interviewer asks their opinions on rave events which Fraser says used to "dance the sun up" and connects to nature. Rick points out that raves in the countryside are not controlled in the way that concerts are. House music returns the music to the people.

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London Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene - ACE244.3
1992. London Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene - ACE244.3.

London Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene - ACE244.4
1992. London Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene - ACE244.4.

London Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene - ACE244.5
1992. London Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene - ACE244.5.

London Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene - ACE244.6
1992. London Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene - ACE244.6.

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