London Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene - ACE244.3

1992. London Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene - ACE244.3.

TitleLondon Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene - ACE244.3

Rehearsal rooms. Aubrey, 11:59’s Security, explaining to interviewer why he’s needed. Musicians rehearsing. Everything’s All Right on the Night. Train. Another 11:59 number over view over London at night. Captions: "10:30 p.m." "Soho." Street scenes, traffic, people in cafés, queuing for clubs. Caption: "Mambo Inn." People dancing. DJ. Caption: "A rave organiser somewhere in London." Talks about the event having been prevented from happening by police intervention. Caption: "Jah Shaka (Sound System) at the Rocket." Jah Shaka adjusting the equipment. People dancing to the reggae music. Escalators. Caption: "Saturday 5:00 a.m." Market traders. Underground trains. Captions: "Saturday 9:00 a.m." "D.H.S.S. – an anarchistic artists collective leave for a film shoot." Caption: "Leftfield cut their new single – on vinyl." Neil Barnes and Paul Daley talking about the recording. Cutting the master disc.

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London Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene - ACE244.2
1992. London Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene - ACE244.2.

London Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene - ACE244.4
1992. London Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene - ACE244.4.

London Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene - ACE244.5
1992. London Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene - ACE244.5.

London Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene - ACE244.6
1992. London Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene - ACE244.6.

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