Soul Survivor - ACE331.2

1996. Soul Survivor - ACE331.2.

TitleSoul Survivor - ACE331.2

Byron Lee being introduced at start of Carnival. Playing guitar. Black and white footage of young people dancing. VOs talk about his music. Company trailer truck. Lee talking about his love of everything to do with the music business. Outside Lee’s company, Dynamic Sounds. The recording studio. Lee’s VO talking about the company. Val Gayle, Assistant Factory Manager, shows different activities in the factory. Packing trailer to go to Carnival. Trucks and trailers. Black and white footage of rural Jamaica. VO talks about Lee’s early life. Easton Lee, Byron Lee’s Cousin, talks about the origins of the Chinese community in Jamaica. Neville Lee, Brother. Photographs of the Lee family. Contemporary film of Chinese businesses. Setting up sound equipment. Ronnie Nasralla, Former Manager, talking about Lee’s career. VO over film of dancers and musicians in club. Edward Seaga introducing 1960s programme featuring Ska; dancers and musicians. Edward Seaga, Prime Minister 1980-89, talks about being able to promote Jamaican music, and the importance of Byron Lee in this. Photographs. Dermott Hussey, Music Journalist, talking about this promotion. Photographs of musicians. Nasralla describes the exponents of this music as coming from a higher stratum of society. Lee on stage. Intercut with 1960s footage. Dancers.

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Soul Survivor - ACE331.3
1996. Soul Survivor - ACE331.3.

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