Soul Survivor - ACE331.3

1996. Soul Survivor - ACE331.3.

TitleSoul Survivor - ACE331.3

Setting up sound equipment. Mighty Sparrow, Calypso Performer, talking about Lee as performer. Sheila Lee talking to roadies. Film of Byron and Sheila. She talks about their early work together. Nasralla talking about Lee’s tendency to fire his band members. Performers at the Carnival event. Street scenes. The Bob Marley Museum. Nasralla says that Lee played "what the people wanted". Hussey talking about the politics of the 1960s. Trinidad Carnival. Lee’s VO talking about setting up Carnival in Jamaica. Stage performers. Mighty Sparrow talking about soca music. Lee talking about being "a party band". Dancers. Performers. Hussey says Carnival must link into the Jamaican experience. Deejay Admiral Bailey. Lt. Stitchie, Dancehall Performer, says dancehall and soca now complement each other. Lee talking about songs as expressions of a way of life. He says Carnival has broken down class barriers. Carnival footage. Nasralla VO talking about Lee’s popularity. Credits.

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Soul Survivor - ACE331.2
1996. Soul Survivor - ACE331.2.

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