Degas. The old man mad about art - ACE333.2

1996. Degas. The old man mad about art - ACE333.2.

TitleDegas. The old man mad about art - ACE333.2

Richard Kendall posing nude model in copy of a Degas painting (in a reconstruction of his studio) for students to copy. Howard Hodgkin, Kendall, and Paula Rego discussing a Degas self-portrait. Model of Degas’s studio. Kendall leafing through a book of Degas’s paintings, shows a reproduction of the painting of the Nude Woman Standing, Drying Herself (1851-1852) (being posed above) which he says was a discovery for him. Views of Montmartre, photograph of Degas. Kendall in Paris. Photographs of Montmartre in the later 19th century. The Place Pigalle. The Moulin Rouge and Place Pigalle today. Sketches of naked women by Degas.

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Degas. The old man mad about art - ACE333.3
1996. Degas. The old man mad about art - ACE333.3.

Degas. The old man mad about art - ACE333.4
1996. Degas. The old man mad about art - ACE333.4.

Degas. The old man mad about art - ACE333.5
1996. Degas. The old man mad about art - ACE333.5.

Degas. The old man mad about art - ACE333.6
1996. Degas. The old man mad about art - ACE333.6.

Degas. The old man mad about art - ACE333.7
1996. Degas. The old man mad about art - ACE333.7.

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