Degas. The old man mad about art - ACE333.7

1996. Degas. The old man mad about art - ACE333.7.

TitleDegas. The old man mad about art - ACE333.7

Kendall believes Degas looked on reproducing the human body in a new and different way as a challenge. He combined ideas from the past with a radical new use of colour and line. His paintings reduce the images to blocks of shape and colour. Various paintings of women including La Coiffure (1896) (bought by Matisse) and Nude Woman Standing, Drying Herself. Hodgkin talking about how figurative art is often approached, as reality. Says this painting is not reality but "a moment". He and Kendall discuss the painting. Photographs of elderly Degas: in the street, with small child, in garden. Degas’s words read over. The reconstructed studio. Credits.

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Degas. The old man mad about art - ACE333.2
1996. Degas. The old man mad about art - ACE333.2.

Degas. The old man mad about art - ACE333.3
1996. Degas. The old man mad about art - ACE333.3.

Degas. The old man mad about art - ACE333.4
1996. Degas. The old man mad about art - ACE333.4.

Degas. The old man mad about art - ACE333.5
1996. Degas. The old man mad about art - ACE333.5.

Degas. The old man mad about art - ACE333.6
1996. Degas. The old man mad about art - ACE333.6.

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