Joseph Emidy. The lost composer - ACE347.2

1996. Joseph Emidy. The lost composer - ACE347.2.

TitleJoseph Emidy. The lost composer - ACE347.2

Andy Sheppard in taxi. VO reading from William Tuck’s Reminiscences of Cornwall, praising Joseph Emidy’s talent. Dr Richard McGrady, Music Historian, talks about the few sources of information on Emidy, the best being the autobiography of James Silk Buckingham. VO continues over maps and engravings, talking about Emidy’s early years, born on the Guinea Coast, enslaved by Portuguese traders, and taken to Brazil. McGrady wonders exactly how Emidy came into contact with European music. Andy Sheppard, Composer & Saxophonist, waiting for a train; playing. Richard Ajileye, Percussionist, explains that he wanted to participate in the project because he was intrigued by Emidy’s story. Johnny T, Violinist, says that Emidy is suddenly the focus of attention in a way he never was before. Steve Lodder, Composer & Keyboards, is concerned at the "waste of human potential". Dr Hakim Ali, Black Historian, on the Transatlantic slave trade; VO over engravings of slave ships and shots of the musicians. Ship, musicians, map of Brazil, engravings. Ali explains the role of slaves in the Brazilian economy, and talks about their high mortality rate. McGrady talks about Emidy around 1795, by then playing at the Lisbon Opera. The Opera House; violinist. McGrady on Emidy’s work being generally in the European tradition of orchestral writing. Benjamin Zephaniah, Poet & Author, says that Emidy’s story suggests that music can transcend race and other circumstances. McGrady on the many different kinds of music to be found in Lisbon.
Ali on the situation for former slaves in Lisbon after the abolition of slavery there.

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Joseph Emidy. The lost composer - ACE347.3
1996. Joseph Emidy. The lost composer - ACE347.3.

Joseph Emidy. The lost composer - ACE347.4
1996. Joseph Emidy. The lost composer - ACE347.4.

Joseph Emidy. The lost composer - ACE347.5
1996. Joseph Emidy. The lost composer - ACE347.5.

Joseph Emidy. The lost composer - ACE347.6
1996. Joseph Emidy. The lost composer - ACE347.6.

Joseph Emidy. The lost composer - ACE347.7
1996. Joseph Emidy. The lost composer - ACE347.7.

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