Joseph Emidy. The lost composer - ACE347.3

1996. Joseph Emidy. The lost composer - ACE347.3.

TitleJoseph Emidy. The lost composer - ACE347.3

David Lyon, Naval Historian, describes HMS Indefatigable going to Lisbon to repair damage after striking a rock. Music; VO reads Silk Buckingham’s description of Indefatigable officers seeing Emidy playing at the opera in Lisbon, and Sir Edward Pellew arranging to have him kidnapped and impressed into naval service. Lyon tells the same story. McGrady and Lyon talking about music and dancing on naval ships. Ali says that Africans were a common sight in the British Navy. Silk Buckingham’s description of Emidy playing jigs and hornpipes. Zephaniah feels that Emidy must have been very frustrated by what he had to do. Lyon’s VO (over shots of sailing ship and ship’s log) says Emidy was on board ship for the next five years. Sheppard on train. Writing music (assisted by computer); VO describes what he’s trying to achieve. Lodder says he wants to create an atmosphere that relates to Emidy’s life. Musicians. Ajileye and Johnny T talking about instrumentation; Ajileye thinks music could have been "a kind of saviour " for Emidy. Sheppard’s violin line played by Johnny T. Sheppard plays with him. The ship.

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Joseph Emidy. The lost composer - ACE347.2
1996. Joseph Emidy. The lost composer - ACE347.2.

Joseph Emidy. The lost composer - ACE347.4
1996. Joseph Emidy. The lost composer - ACE347.4.

Joseph Emidy. The lost composer - ACE347.5
1996. Joseph Emidy. The lost composer - ACE347.5.

Joseph Emidy. The lost composer - ACE347.6
1996. Joseph Emidy. The lost composer - ACE347.6.

Joseph Emidy. The lost composer - ACE347.7
1996. Joseph Emidy. The lost composer - ACE347.7.

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