Perspective - ACE354.2

1997. Perspective - ACE354.2.

TitlePerspective - ACE354.2

Lines on paper, buildings, people on a bridge, trains. Commentary: "Perspective is a system artists use to represent three-dimensional space on a flat surface. It relates to the way we actually perceive space and objects within it. For instance, the further away something is from us, the smaller it appears to be, and lines that, in reality, are parallel to each other, appear to converge as they recede into the distance, eventually meeting at an imaginary point on the horizon called the vanishing point." Florence. Ben Johnson, painter, looking for a particular place in a building. He believes this is "one place of integrity" that existed in the architect’s mind even before the plans of the building, were completed. He takes photographs to work from. Some of Johnson’s paintings, including The Unattended Moment (1993). Johnson and his team working on Hong Kong Panorama (1997). Johnson in his studio, making a computer model of the library in the Museo di San Marco, Florence, which gives him viewpoints otherwise impossible to see. A print-out from his chosen point becomes the basis for his painting; he uses strips of masking tape to follow the lines of the design on the print-out. The result is spray-painted; removing the masking tape reveals the desired pattern.

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Perspective - ACE354.3
1997. Perspective - ACE354.3.

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1997. Perspective - ACE354.4.

Perspective - ACE354.5
1997. Perspective - ACE354.5.

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