Perspective - ACE354.5

1997. Perspective - ACE354.5.

TitlePerspective - ACE354.5

Hughes doesn’t paint on a flat surface, but on a three-dimensional construction on which he can introduce perspective opposite to reality, causing objects to appear to lean in an unexpected direction. Hughes believes he got his ideas from sleeping under the stairs during wartime bombing. Johnson and an assistant at work on the library painting; Johnson doesn’t believe it’s working properly, but says it might turn out all right at the last stage. Hanging works by Hughes into a gallery; Hughes and other viewers. Camera moves around to show the different facets of the paintings; Hughes’s VO. Credits.

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Perspective - ACE354.2
1997. Perspective - ACE354.2.

Perspective - ACE354.3
1997. Perspective - ACE354.3.

Perspective - ACE354.4
1997. Perspective - ACE354.4.

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