Aiya’s Apples Aisha’s Eyes - ACE400.3

1991. Aiya’s Apples Aisha’s Eyes - ACE400.3.

TitleAiya’s Apples Aisha’s Eyes - ACE400.3

Aisha asks why Aiya’s stories have such brutal endings. "The malice of an old woman" who wants "the mouse to get the cat", she says. Aisha starts to tell the story of Karam. Bharat Mata and Veruna were two of the greatest dancers in Asia. Dancers. Aisha says the dancers moved to tiny island and were worried that they would die without passing on their knowledge. Bharat Mata gave birth to a son, Karam, but he wasn’t very good at dancing, though he was highly intelligent and curious. Karam constantly asked questions. Karam talks to his parents about their travelling in search of dances and wonders how far they really went. Bharat Mata give Karam Western clothes and he leaves home. He follows a trail of apples and goes around the world. Many people find the apples, stories waiting to be told. Aisha says that wisdom isn’t consumed like an apple, but invented in the telling. Credits

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Aiya’s Apples Aisha’s Eyes - ACE400.2
1991. Aiya’s Apples Aisha’s Eyes - ACE400.2.

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