Batik. The living art - ACE402.2

1990. Batik. The living art - ACE402.2.

TitleBatik. The living art - ACE402.2

Batik design. Kamal Matthews showing slides from Acton High School workshop of children working on making batik. She discusses space needed to set up regular workshops. She talks about doing presentation pack with some of the same slides for a project in Ethiopia. Caption: "Kamal Matthews." Kamal Matthews working in the grounds of a church. Her VO says that black art should not be viewed separately from the mainstream; separating it is derogatory and does not help the progression of black artists. Matthews working on batik piece. Patterns. Her VO says that a major influence on her work comes from Amerindian influences on her life generally as Amerindians are indigenous to Guyana, her country of origin. She says that, like many indigenous peoples, Amerindians are in danger of being overwhelmed by Western society and many of their cultures and art forms are dying. Matthews says that batik is not taken seriously as an art form in Britain as art is defined by European standards and batik uses different techniques and materials. She talks about the history and traditions of batik. Her VO saying that another major influence was the discovery, in 1982, that she had cancer; she found a new beauty in cellular structures of all kinds. Some of her designs. Party. Matthews’s VO talking about her family. Her husband reading poetry. Flautist and drummer.

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Batik. The living art - ACE402.3
1990. Batik. The living art - ACE402.3.

Batik. The living art - ACE402.4
1990. Batik. The living art - ACE402.4.

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