Batik. The living art - ACE402.3

1990. Batik. The living art - ACE402.3.

TitleBatik. The living art - ACE402.3

Caption: "Sulayman Mannah."
Sulayman Mannah leaving a mosque and going back to his house. His VO says his forebears came from Guinea Bissau. Working at home in his kitchen. His VO says he started batik in the Gambia and carried on with it because of the high demand for such cloth. Hanging out a dyed cloth. At the Social Anthropology department, Goldsmith’s College. Mannah’s VO talking about doing a community course. Socialising with friends. Details from some of his cloths showing everyday life in West Africa. [Signed Sol Manneh 1987.] Mannah in a class with a number of elderly white women. Stepney Neighbourhood Centre. Examples of Manna’s batiks hanging inside. His VO talking about his themes, and about trying to communicate with people, to explain how his subjects live and deal with their everyday situations. Mannah talking about a large narrative cloth which represents traditional life in West Africa, including a hospital and a child receiving herbal treatments, a monkey helping to pick fruit, etc. He says these are all things he’s actually seen.

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Batik. The living art - ACE402.2
1990. Batik. The living art - ACE402.2.

Batik. The living art - ACE402.4
1990. Batik. The living art - ACE402.4.

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