I is a Long-Memoried Woman. Based on a collection of poems by Grace Nichols - ACE419.2

1990. I is a Long-Memoried Woman. Based on a collection of poems by Grace Nichols - ACE419.2.

TitleI is a Long-Memoried Woman. Based on a collection of poems by Grace Nichols - ACE419.2

Dancers and other performers. Images of slavery. Woman speaking lines from One Continent to Another. Grace Nichols reads more of the same poem. Voice continues over shots of central London; crowds. Epigraph read over shot of Nichols in the street. Map showing Africa and West Indies. Nichols talking about the experiences an African woman would have had to endure on the Atlantic crossing. Woman speaks lines from Days That Fell. Younger woman continues. The women speak lines from Waterpot. Dancers. Cane fields. Dancers. Younger woman’s VO speaking lines from Sugar Cane.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5x86/i-is-a-long-memoried-woman-based-on-a-collection-of-poems-by-grace-nichols-ace419-2

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I is a Long-Memoried Woman. Based on a collection of poems by Grace Nichols - ACE419.3
1990. I is a Long-Memoried Woman. Based on a collection of poems by Grace Nichols - ACE419.3.

I is a Long-Memoried Woman. Based on a collection of poems by Grace Nichols - ACE419.4
1990. I is a Long-Memoried Woman. Based on a collection of poems by Grace Nichols - ACE419.4.

I is a Long-Memoried Woman. Based on a collection of poems by Grace Nichols - ACE419.5
1990. I is a Long-Memoried Woman. Based on a collection of poems by Grace Nichols - ACE419.5.

I is a Long-Memoried Woman. Based on a collection of poems by Grace Nichols - ACE419.6
1990. I is a Long-Memoried Woman. Based on a collection of poems by Grace Nichols - ACE419.6.

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