I is a Long-Memoried Woman. Based on a collection of poems by Grace Nichols - ACE419.6

1990. I is a Long-Memoried Woman. Based on a collection of poems by Grace Nichols - ACE419.6.

TitleI is a Long-Memoried Woman. Based on a collection of poems by Grace Nichols - ACE419.6

"The Return." Women speak lines from I Will Enter. Nichols on the legacy of slavery being to give Caribbean people a psychic connection to Africa but less of a sense of belonging to the Caribbean itself. She thinks people have a sense of "journeying". London streets. Epilogue. Dancers. Women voices over reciting and singing lines from ...Your Blessing. Credits superimposed; singing continues. Credits.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5x8q/i-is-a-long-memoried-woman-based-on-a-collection-of-poems-by-grace-nichols-ace419-6

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I is a Long-Memoried Woman. Based on a collection of poems by Grace Nichols - ACE419.2
1990. I is a Long-Memoried Woman. Based on a collection of poems by Grace Nichols - ACE419.2.

I is a Long-Memoried Woman. Based on a collection of poems by Grace Nichols - ACE419.3
1990. I is a Long-Memoried Woman. Based on a collection of poems by Grace Nichols - ACE419.3.

I is a Long-Memoried Woman. Based on a collection of poems by Grace Nichols - ACE419.4
1990. I is a Long-Memoried Woman. Based on a collection of poems by Grace Nichols - ACE419.4.

I is a Long-Memoried Woman. Based on a collection of poems by Grace Nichols - ACE419.5
1990. I is a Long-Memoried Woman. Based on a collection of poems by Grace Nichols - ACE419.5.

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