英 国

Mason, L. 2020. 英 国. in: 平台经济与劳动立法国际趋势 中国工人出版社 (China Workers Publishing House). pp. 182-201

Chapter title英 国
AuthorsMason, L.

多年来,平台经济及其社会影响一直是学术界和社会争论的焦点。本书聚焦平台工作者劳动条件和劳动权利的发展变化,重点关注平台经济这种新兴商业模式带来的劳动法律冲突以及主要市场经济国家法律体系面对挑战所采取的不同调整策略。 本书把平台经济对现有社会模式的冲击放在历次技术革命对劳动世界的影响背景下进行思考,同时对比了奥地利、比利时、法国、意大利、荷兰、罗马尼亚、西班牙、瑞士、英国和美国等国劳动法律规制的近期新动态。通过比较分析勾画出未来平台经济的劳动立法趋势。

For many years, the platform economy and its social impact have been the focus of debate in academia and society. This book focuses on the development and changes of platform workers' labor conditions and labor rights, focusing on the labor law conflicts brought about by the emerging business model of the platform economy and the different adjustment strategies adopted by the legal systems of major market economy countries to face challenges. This work puts the impact of the platform economy on the existing social model in the context of the impact of the previous technological revolutions on the world of work, and compares the approach of various legal systems, looking at latest developments in the country’s labour laws and regulation. Through comparative analysis, it outlines the labour legislation trends of the future platform economy.

KeywordsLabour Law
Comparative Law
Platform Economy
Book title平台经济与劳动立法国际趋势
Page range182-201
Publisher中国工人出版社 (China Workers Publishing House)
Publication dates
PublishedJul 2020
Web address (URL)http://www.wp-china.com/f/view-45995356c2e54c20aae4508e5d0ce4d7-5e4b2f064daf4b979d0970f210d895db.html

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