5. Europe’s Migration Regime: Why a Radical Approach is Necessary and Possible

Cross, Hannah 2021. 5. Europe’s Migration Regime: Why a Radical Approach is Necessary and Possible. in: Fouskas, Theodoros (ed.) Immigrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Times of Crises: A. An International Handbook on Migration and Refugee Studies, Management Policies and Governance Athens, Greece European Public Law Organization Publications. pp. 135-156

Chapter title5. Europe’s Migration Regime: Why a Radical Approach is Necessary and Possible
AuthorsCross, Hannah
EditorsFouskas, Theodoros
Book titleImmigrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Times of Crises: A. An International Handbook on Migration and Refugee Studies, Management Policies and Governance
Page range135-156
PublisherEuropean Public Law Organization Publications
Publication dates
PublishedDec 2021
Place of publicationAthens, Greece
SeriesVol: CXXIV
File Access Level
Controlled (open metadata, closed files)
Web address (URL)https://eplopublications.eu/publication/print-edition/fouskas-theodoros-ed-immigrants-asylum-seekers-and-refugees-times-crises

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