Supporting student retention in socially distanced campuses: What can personal tutoring do?

Flanda, W. 2021. Supporting student retention in socially distanced campuses: What can personal tutoring do? Advance HE Teaching and Learning Conference 2021: Teaching in the spotlight: What is the future for HE curricula?. 06 - 08 Jul 2021

TitleSupporting student retention in socially distanced campuses: What can personal tutoring do?
AuthorsFlanda, W.
TypeWorkshop item

My presentation explores how personal tutoring during the pandemic has been central to the provision of support for each student at the University of Westminster.

Personal tutor
Student support
Higher education
Student retention
Online teaching
ConferenceAdvance HE Teaching and Learning Conference 2021: Teaching in the spotlight: What is the future for HE curricula?
Publisher's version
Web address (URL) of conference proceedings

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