
Marchetti, F., Bariatti, S., Viarengo, I., Villata, F.C. and Bernasconi, S. 2016. Italy. in: Cross-Border Litigation in Europe Hart Publishing. pp. 169-196

Chapter titleItaly
AuthorsMarchetti, F., Bariatti, S., Viarengo, I., Villata, F.C. and Bernasconi, S.

In Italy, private international law issues are governed by international and EU PIL rules and, residually, by Law No 218 of 31 May 1995 ‘Reform of the Italian Private International Law system’. Two provisions of this Law are worth mentioning. On the one hand, Article 3(2) on jurisdiction of Italian courts refers to Sections 2, 3 and 4 of the 1968 Brussels Convention as subsequently amended, thus unilaterally extending the Convention’s scope of application to cases where the defendant is not domiciled in a Member State. Second, Article 14 prescribes the ex officio assessment of the applicable law, thereby requiring courts to make recourse to foreign law (where applicable).

Keywordsprivate international law
conflict of laws
Book titleCross-Border Litigation in Europe
Page range169-196
PublisherHart Publishing
Publication dates
Published16 Nov 2017
SeriesStudies in Private International Law
FunderEuropean Commission
Web address (URL)

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