Database for Fake News – What’s the Harm?

Cunliffe-Jones, Peter 2024. Database for Fake News – What’s the Harm? University of Westminster.

TitleDatabase for Fake News – What’s the Harm?
AuthorsCunliffe-Jones, Peter

The findings set out in “Fake News – What’s the harm?” are based on close examination over four years of a set of 250 examples of false and misleading information listed in the database described here, according to criteria set out in the database guidelines shown here.
The database provides information in 30 main categories on 250 examples of false and misleading information. The guidelines set out both the theory and summaries of evidence used in coming to the findings set out in three sections:
(i) criteria and evidence used to identify the type of mis/disinformation (from the way in which the claim was ‘wrong’– to the format in which it spread);
(ii) criteria and evidence used to identify the origins, channels or settings and drivers of the false information; and
(iii) criteria and evidence used to identify the nature of its effects or potential effects or consequences and the factors that shaped this.
I have, of course, sought to be as consistent as possible in making these judgements on the nature of the information, the origins and drivers of its spread, and its consequences or potential for consequences. I have done this taking account of information set out in the fact-checks that are used as the primary source material. Any errors in consistency are my responsibility and mine alone. Such errors notwithstanding, I hope that this database and the guidelines can be a valuable resource for those interested in understanding the findings set out in the book.

PublisherUniversity of Westminster
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
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Open (open metadata and files)
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Open (open metadata and files)

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