Rainbow Over Clouds: A Lightweight Pairing-free Multi-Replica Multi-Cloud Public Auditing Scheme

Rabaninejad, R., Michalas, A. and Kanhere, S. 2024. Rainbow Over Clouds: A Lightweight Pairing-free Multi-Replica Multi-Cloud Public Auditing Scheme. The 19th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems (CRiSIS'24). Aix-en-Provence, France 26 - 28 Nov 2024 Springer.

TitleRainbow Over Clouds: A Lightweight Pairing-free Multi-Replica Multi-Cloud Public Auditing Scheme
AuthorsRabaninejad, R., Michalas, A. and Kanhere, S.
TypeConference paper

To enhance data availability and durability, data replication across multiple cloud servers has become a widely adopted strategy among data owners. The Proof of Replication (PoRep) technique is often used to ensure the integrity of multi-replicas stored in multi-cloud servers in distinct, dedicated storage, effectively preventing collusion where multi-cloud servers might store only a single copy of the file. Various PoRep schemes also known as multi-replica Provable Data Possession (PDP) have been proposed and applied to different scenarios. While these protocols are more computationally efficient than applying single-replica PDP schemes to each file copy individually, they still incur significant computational overhead in generating tags for all replicas and lack explicit mechanisms for fault localization. In this paper, we introduce Rainbow-PDP, a lightweight, provably secure multi-replica, multi-cloud public auditing scheme without pairing. Rainbow-PDP allows data owners to generate multiple replicas from an original file with minimal computational cost. Notably, it eliminates the need to generate verification tags on replicas distributed across various cloud providers. Instead, data integrity is assured by comparing proofs on different replicas during the verification phase. In cases of verification failure, the system can also locate corrupted replicas. Rainbow-PDP is proved to be secure against untrusted colluding servers. Experimental results demonstrate that Rainbow-PDP offers significant efficiency gains for both data owners and public verifiers when compared to existing state-of-the-art solutions. We also explore modifications to support efficient dynamic operations on data blocks, further enhancing Rainbow-PDP’s practical applicability.

KeywordsCloud Storage
Collusion Resistant
Data Outsourcing
Multi-Cloud Servers
Public Auditing
Proof of Replication
ConferenceThe 19th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems (CRiSIS'24)
Accepted author manuscript

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