Tourism Governance in Times of Crisis: A Multi-Level Governance Perspective

Ajeeb, D. 2023. Tourism Governance in Times of Crisis: A Multi-Level Governance Perspective. 2023 RSA Annual Conference Transforming Regions: Policies and Planning for People and Places. Ljubljana, Slovenia 14 - 17 Jun 2023

TitleTourism Governance in Times of Crisis: A Multi-Level Governance Perspective
AuthorsAjeeb, D.
TypeConference paper

Crises, whether at the national or global scale, can lead to radical changes in a country’s governance, which in turn impacts the way in which industries are organised. Terrorist attacks, natural disasters, the broader climate change crisis, and health epidemics and pandemics (e.g. Covid-19) have caused ripples across the world which have led to periods of political and financial uncertainty.
England, and the UK more broadly, has experienced numerous, radical changes in political and economic landscapes which have led to significant changes in governance arrangements for the tourism sector. The study focuses on the period between 2010 and 2023, during which the UK has seen major shifts in political power, with a domestic government leadership change in 2010, which led to significant changes in the political modernization and economic ideologies and much institutional reform. This was then followed by ‘Brexit’ (2016-2020) and newly formed international relations between the UK and the rest of the World. During the period 2010-2023, the UK tourism industry has also experienced a series of crises, such as terrorist attacks, public sector austerity as a consequence of the 2008 GFC, climate change, incidents of flooding (2019-2020), the COVID-19 pandemic (2019- until now), and the current cost of living crisis. These periods of crisis have meant that England’s tourism stakeholders have had to learn to adapt to changing governance landscapes. This research is aimed at examining perceptions and experiences of tourism governance in times of crisis.

The research uses Multi-Level Governance (MLG) as a perspective for analysing effective governance in an era of decentralisation and as a framework for analysis in the context of managing crises. An MLG perspective offers the ability to understand governance processes, the changing nature of decision making, the complexity of intergovernmental relations, relationships between governmental and non-governmental actors, institutional arrangements, problem-solving capacity, and also outcomes efficacy.

With the use of interviews with high profile tourism stakeholders, the research outcomes proposed a model and strategies which can help the development of more resilient and adaptive governance arrangements which can be implemented to deal more effectively with the dynamic tourism landscapes during and after periods of crisis.  

KeywordsTourism Governance in Times of Crisis Multi-Level Governance of tourism resilient and adaptive tourism destinations tourism and levelling up
Conference2023 RSA Annual Conference Transforming Regions: Policies and Planning for People and Places
Accepted author manuscript
File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)
Publication dates
Published14 Jun 2023

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