Abstract | The term “rewilding”, or “wilding” as preferred here, has seen an extraordinary success in contemporary society and has been used in a baffling range of fields. Yet these practices share a radical paradigm shift towards a regenerative engagement with ecosystems and species, a loosening of control leading to promising ecological and economic results in rural areas, although not without problems. These practices acknowledge the capacity for ecological and biological life to self-generate, and as a result, let go of control, to co-create landscapes with its agency. These action based research and trials echo and embody the simultaneous rise of dynamic and vitalist philosophies such as new materialism, eco feminism, and modern animism. A diagram locating various case studies in relation to degrees of control/wildness and scale shows that (re)wilding seems to be broadly used in society and in the field of landscape architecture as a reduction of control on ecosystems from an existing state. This allows them to become wilder. Feral landscapes is proposed as a type of wilding where ecosystems and species are primarily left to emerge, but not entirely, and thus are equally wild and domestic. Humans in feral landscapes act as meta ecosystem engineers, yet our disturbance is limited so that ecosystems are allowed to diversify and provide. |