Tus Ojos Negros. Your Dark Eyes

CollaboratorsWolke Kluppell (Director) and Suzy Blok (Choreographer)
One line synopsisOne of a series of dance pieces created specially for television: a woman remembers her past.

Spanish radio broadcast. Photographs. Elderly woman hums while taking dress out of wardrobe. Middle-aged woman wearing same dress dancing with her husband to the same music. Their younger selves fighting. Middle-aged couple continue dancing. Young couple dancing. Elderly woman with another dress. Two girls dancing together watched by boy who cuts in. The young couple; occasional shot of the children. Elderly woman, wearing the first dress, dances by herself. Credits.

Production companyEgmond Film and Television
Running time9 minutes
Full credits

Choreographer Suzy Blok;
Written & Directed by Wolke Kluppell;
Composer Fons Merkies;
Performers: Suzy Blok,
Jordi Casanovas,
Lalo Diaz,
Mirta Campos,
Noa Cohen,
Zeger de Vos,
Sally Jongsma,
Mely Blok.
Director of Photography Jaap Veldhoen;
Production Manager Peter-Jan Brouwer;
Location Manager David Elands;
Gaffer Oscar van Rijn;
Grip Luc Hoeijmakers;
Sound Alex Booy;
Make-Up Karin van Dijk;
Costume Design Daniëlle van Eck,
Paulette Boschung;
Art Director Elsje de Bruin;
Assistant Producer Inge van Hunnick;
Post Production Natasja van Wijk;
Editor Marco Van Welzen;
Composer Fons Merkies;
Sound Editor Jankoen de Haan;
Editor Dance NPS Mirjam van der Linden;
Production NPS Marianne Eggink;
Line Producer Erwin Godschalk;
Executive Producers Henk van der Meulen NPS,
Rodney Wilson Arts Council of England,
Bob Lockyer BBC;
Producers Hans de Weers,
Hand de Wolf.
This film was supported by the Dutch Cultural Broadcasting Promotion Fund.
An Egmond Film and Television Production for BBC/Arts Council of England/NPS.
© MM BBC/Arts Council of England/NPS.

Film segmentTus Ojos Negros. Your Dark Eyes - ACE385.2
Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/portfolio/v5z5q/tus-ojos-negros-your-dark-eyes

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