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295 results found
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The Black Horizon: Alterity and Ontology in the Anthropocene

Journal article

Chandler, D. and Chipato, F. 2022. The Black Horizon: Alterity and Ontology in the Anthropocene . Global Society. 37 (2), pp. 157-175.

The Poetics of Self-fashioning: Between nonsense and meaning

Conference paper

Lee, Yeseung 2014. The Poetics of Self-fashioning: Between nonsense and meaning. Fashion in fiction: style stories and transglobal narratives. City University of Hong Kong, China 12 - 14 Jun 2014

Offerings for a ghost film: From fragmented work to cosmic assemblages

PhD thesis

Clark, G. 2021. Offerings for a ghost film: From fragmented work to cosmic assemblages. PhD thesis University of Westminster Westminster School of Arts

Music Culture and the Self-Presentation of Indigenous Musicians on Social Media in Contemporary Taiwan

PhD thesis

Lin, G. 2021. Music Culture and the Self-Presentation of Indigenous Musicians on Social Media in Contemporary Taiwan. PhD thesis University of Westminster Westminster School of Media and Communication

The Formyl Peptide Receptor 2 Regulates Microglial Phenotype Through Immunometabolism: Implications for Alzheimer’s Disease

PhD thesis

Wickstead, E. 2019. The Formyl Peptide Receptor 2 Regulates Microglial Phenotype Through Immunometabolism: Implications for Alzheimer’s Disease. PhD thesis University of Westminster School of Life Sciences

High intensity exercise decreases IP6K1 muscle content & improves insulin sensitivity in glucose intolerant individuals

Journal article

Naufahu, J., Elliott, B., Markiv, A., Dunning-Foreman, P., McGrady, M., Howard, D., Watt, P.W. and Mackenzie, R.W.A. 2018. High intensity exercise decreases IP6K1 muscle content & improves insulin sensitivity in glucose intolerant individuals. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 103 (4), pp. 1479-1490.

Structural ambidexterity and competency traps: Insights from Xerox PARC

Journal article

Heracleous, L., Papachroni, A., Andriopoulos, C. and Gotsi, M. 2017. Structural ambidexterity and competency traps: Insights from Xerox PARC. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 117, pp. 327-338.

China’s popular TV dramas & their role in the party’s political communication since 2001

PhD thesis

Liu Guiping 2014. China’s popular TV dramas & their role in the party’s political communication since 2001. PhD thesis University of Westminster Faculty of Media, Arts and Design

Bat and pig Interferon-Induced Transmembrane Protein 3 restrict cell entry by influenza virus and lyssaviruses


Benfield, C., Smith, S.E., Wright, E., Wash, R.S., Ferrara, F., Temperton, N.J. and Kellam, P. 2015. Bat and pig Interferon-Induced Transmembrane Protein 3 restrict cell entry by influenza virus and lyssaviruses. Journal of General Virology. 96 (5), pp. 991-1005.

White-collar men and masculinities in contemporary urban China

PhD thesis

Hird, D. 2009. White-collar men and masculinities in contemporary urban China. PhD thesis University of Westminster School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Languages

All-adaptive blind matched filtering for the equalization and identification of multipath channels: a practical approach


Coskun, A. and Kale, I. 2012. All-adaptive blind matched filtering for the equalization and identification of multipath channels: a practical approach. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications. 60 (1), pp. 232-242.

'As plants grow towards sunlight': Amity's NGO development centre through the lens of history

Book chapter

Wielander, G. 2017. 'As plants grow towards sunlight': Amity's NGO development centre through the lens of history. in: Blanchard, J.M. and Lin, K.C. (ed.) Governance, Domestic Change, and Social Policy in China: 100 years after the Xinhai Revolution London Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 45-66

Wearable Nano-Based Gas Sensors for Environmental Monitoring and Encountered Challenges in Optimization

Journal article

Hooshmand, S., Kassanos, P., Keshavarz, M., Duru, P., Kayalan, C.I., Kale, İ. and Bayazit, M. 2023. Wearable Nano-Based Gas Sensors for Environmental Monitoring and Encountered Challenges in Optimization. Sensors. 23 (20) 8648.

Investigating the asymmetric linkages between infrastructure development, green innovation, and consumption-based material footprint: Novel empirical estimations from highly resource-consuming economies

Journal article

Razzaq, A., Ajaz, T., Li, J., Irfan, M. and Suksatan, W. 2021. Investigating the asymmetric linkages between infrastructure development, green innovation, and consumption-based material footprint: Novel empirical estimations from highly resource-consuming economies. Resources Policy. 74 102302.

Huang Zunxian, Qing China’s Pioneer Modernist Poet

Journal article

Witchard, A. 2019. Huang Zunxian, Qing China’s Pioneer Modernist Poet. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society China in Shanghai. 79 (1).

Chemical Authentication of Botanical Ingredients: A Review of Commercial Herbal Products

Journal article

Ichim, M.C. and Booker, A. 2021. Chemical Authentication of Botanical Ingredients: A Review of Commercial Herbal Products. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 12 666850.

Carbon Footprints in Emergency Departments: A Simulation-Optimization Analysis

Book chapter

Vali, M., Salimifard, K. and Chaussalet, T. 2021. Carbon Footprints in Emergency Departments: A Simulation-Optimization Analysis. in: Masmoudi M., Jarboui B. and Siarry P. (ed.) Operations Research and Simulation in Healthcare Springer. pp. 193-207

Multilingual practices in a disavowed community: The case of new Italian migrants in London

PhD thesis

Pepe, G. 2020. Multilingual practices in a disavowed community: The case of new Italian migrants in London. PhD thesis University of Westminster School of Humanities

Controlling Insider Dealing Through Criminal Enforcement in China

Journal article

Ye, Z, Lin, W., Safari, N. and Singh, C. 2020. Controlling Insider Dealing Through Criminal Enforcement in China. Journal of Financial Crime. 27 (4), pp. 1061-1073.

The Oulipo and Modernism: Literature, Craft and Mathematical Form

PhD thesis

Cartwright, D. 2019. The Oulipo and Modernism: Literature, Craft and Mathematical Form. PhD thesis University of Westminster School of Humanities