Literary Studies

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Walter Benjamin, Antifascism and Mimetic Education

Book chapter

Charles, M. 2025. Walter Benjamin, Antifascism and Mimetic Education. in: Ross, N. (ed.) The Palgrave Walter Benjamin Handbook Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 23-47


Book chapter

Taylor, E. 2021. Class. in: Steven, M. (ed.) Understanding Marx, Understanding Modernism London Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 209-211

Review: The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Women's Poetry

Book review

Avery, S. 2020. Review: The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Women's Poetry. Victorian Review. 46 (2), pp. 297-298.

Technocrats of the Imagination: Art, Technology, and the Military-Industrial Avant-Garde


Beck, J. and Bishop, R. 2020. Technocrats of the Imagination: Art, Technology, and the Military-Industrial Avant-Garde. Durham, North Carolina Duke University Press.

Modernism Between Benjamin and Goethe


Charles, M. 2019. Modernism Between Benjamin and Goethe. Bloomsbury Academic.

‘To be, or not to be’: Hamlet Q1, Q2 and Montaigne

Journal article

Frampton, S. 2019. ‘To be, or not to be’: Hamlet Q1, Q2 and Montaigne. Critical Survey. 31 (1-2), pp. 101-112.

Review: Donald S. Hair, Fresh Strange Music: Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Language


Avery, S. 2018. Review: Donald S. Hair, Fresh Strange Music: Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Language. University of Toronto Press.

Introduction (to Dossier on Walter Benjamin and Education)

Journal article

Charles, M. and Eiland, H. 2018. Introduction (to Dossier on Walter Benjamin and Education). boundary 2: an international journal of literature and culture . 45 (2), pp. 1-10.

Walter Benjamin and Education (Special Issue of boundary 2)

Scholarly edition

Charles, M. Charles, M. (ed.) 2018. Walter Benjamin and Education (Special Issue of boundary 2). Duke University Press.

The Return of the Art and Technology Lab

Journal article

Beck, J. and Bishop, R. 2018. The Return of the Art and Technology Lab. Cultural Politics. 14 (2), pp. 225-243.

Pedagogy as “Cryptic Politics”: Benjamin, Nietzsche, and the End of Education


Charles, M. 2018. Pedagogy as “Cryptic Politics”: Benjamin, Nietzsche, and the End of Education. boundary 2: an international journal of literature and culture . 45 (2), pp. 35-62.

This is not a copy: writing at the Iterative Turn


Marczewska, K. 2018. This is not a copy: writing at the Iterative Turn. London Bloomsbury Academic.

Ali Smith, Girl Meets Boy (2007)


Germanà, M. 2017. Ali Smith, Girl Meets Boy (2007). Studies in Scottish Literature. 43 (2), pp. 209-210.

The Soho Theatre, 1968-1981


Morrison, M. 2017. The Soho Theatre, 1968-1981. London The Society for Theatre Research.

Framing the Object of Desire: The Politics of Art in Alan Hollinghurst's The Folding Star

Book chapter

Avery, S. 2017. Framing the Object of Desire: The Politics of Art in Alan Hollinghurst's The Folding Star. in: Mathuray, M. (ed.) Sex and Sensibility in the Novels of Alan Hollinghurst Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 57-73

Cold War Legacies: Systems, Theory, Aesthetics


Beck, J. and Bishop, R. (ed.) 2016. Cold War Legacies: Systems, Theory, Aesthetics. Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press.

Overt Research

Book chapter

White, N. and Beck, J. 2016. Overt Research. in: Beck, J. and Bishop, R. (ed.) Cold War Legacies: Systems, Theory, Aesthetics Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press. pp. 252-272

The Future: RAND, Brand and Dangerous to Know

Book chapter

Beck, J. 2016. The Future: RAND, Brand and Dangerous to Know. in: Beck, J. and Bishop, R. (ed.) Cold War Legacies: Systems, Theory, Aesthetics Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press. pp. 35-49

Introduction: The Long Cold War

Book chapter

Beck, J. and Bishop, R. 2016. Introduction: The Long Cold War. in: Beck, J. and Bishop, R. (ed.) Cold War Legacies: Systems, Theory, Aesthetics Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press. pp. 1-32

Introduction: Photography and Abstraction


Beck, J. and Cunningham, D.I. 2016. Introduction: Photography and Abstraction. Photographies. 9 (2), pp. 129-133.

High Formalism: The aerial view and the colour field


Beck, J. 2016. High Formalism: The aerial view and the colour field. Photographies. 9 (2), pp. 187-201.

Structuring and Interpreting Queer Spaces of London

Book chapter

Avery, S. 2016. Structuring and Interpreting Queer Spaces of London. in: Avery, S. and Graham, K.M. (ed.) Sex, Time and Place: Queer Histories of London, c.1850 to the Present London Bloomsbury Academic.

Sex, Time and Place: Queer Histories of London, c.1850 to the Present


Avery, S. and Graham, K.M. (ed.) 2016. Sex, Time and Place: Queer Histories of London, c.1850 to the Present. London Bloomsbury.

Politics, Legal Concerns, and Reforms

Book chapter

Avery, S. 2016. Politics, Legal Concerns, and Reforms. in: Long Hoeveler, D. and Denenholz Morse, D. (ed.) Blackwell Companion to the Brontes Oxford Wiley. pp. 471-484

Towards a Critique of Educative Violence: Walter Benjamin and ‘Second Education’


Charles, M. 2016. Towards a Critique of Educative Violence: Walter Benjamin and ‘Second Education’. Pedagogy, Culture and Society. 24 (4), pp. 525-536.

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Baker, John

Senior Lecturer

Beck, John


Bond, Lucy

Head of School - Humanities

Charles, Matthew

Senior Lecturer

Geric, Michelle

Senior Lecturer

Mapp, Nigel

Senior Lecturer

McEvoy, Emma

Senior Lecturer

Wilson, Leigh
