School | Media, Arts and Design |
Head | Prof Christian Fuchs |
Fuchs, Christian 2014. WikiLeaks and the critique of the political economy. in: Christensen, C. (ed.) WikiLeaks: from popular culture to political economy Los Angeles, CA USC Annenberg Press.
Trottier, D. and Fuchs, Christian 2014. Theorising social media, politics and the state: an introduction. in: Social media, politics and the state: protests, revolutions, riots, crime and policing in the age of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube New York Routledge. pp. 3-38
Fuchs, Christian 2014. Anonymous: Hacktivism and contemporary politics. in: Trottier, D. and Fuchs, Christian (ed.) Social media, politics and the state: protests, revolutions, riots, crime and policing in the age of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube New York Routledge. pp. 88-106
Trottier, D. and Fuchs, Christian (ed.) 2014. Social media, politics and the state: protests, revolutions, riots, crime and policing in the age of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. New York Routledge.
Fuchs, Christian 2014. Culture, communication & ideology = forms of work. in: Çoban, S. (ed.) Media and left Leiden Brill. pp. 15-43
Michalis, M. 2014. Focal Points of European Media Policy from Inception till Present: Plus ça change? in: Donders, K., Pauwels, C. and Loisen, J. (ed.) Palgrave Handbook on European Media Policy New York Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 128-142
Kavada, A. 2014. Transnational Civil Society and Social Movements. in: Wilkins, K.G., Tufte, T. and Obregon, R. (ed.) Handbook of Development Communication & Social Change Chichester Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 351-369
Thussu, D.K. 2014. De-Americanizing Soft Power Discourse? CPD Perspectives on Public Diplomacy. 2014 (2), pp. 5-25.
Thussu, D.K. 2014. Television news and an Indian infotainment sphere. in: Sen, B. and Roy, A. (ed.) Channeling Cultures: Fifty Years of Television in India New Delhi Oxford University Press. pp. 129-141
D'heer, E. and Verdegem, P. 2014. An intermedia understanding of the networked Twitter ecology. The 2012 Local Elections in Belgium. in: Patrut, B. and Patrut, M. (ed.) Social media in politics: Case Studies on the Political Power of Social Media Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London Springer. pp. 81-96
Vanwynsberghe, H., Boudry, E., Vanderlinde, R. and Verdegem, P. 2014. Experts as facilitators for the implementation of social media in the library?: a social network approach. Library Hi Tech. 32 (3), pp. 529-545.
Goodwin, P. 2014. The Price of Everything and the Value of Nothing? Economic Arguments and the Politics of Public Service Media. in: Ferrell Lowe, G. and Martin, F. (ed.) The Value of Public Service Media Goteborg, Sweden Nordicom. pp. 77-86
Youngs, G. 2014. Designing the Digital Economy: Embedding Growth Through Design, Innovation and Technology. London Policy Connect.
D'heer, E. and Verdegem, P. 2014. Conversations about the elections on Twitter: Towards a structural understanding of Twitter’s relation with the political and the media field. European Journal of Communication. 29 (6), pp. 720-734.
Courtois, C., De Marez, L. and Verdegem, P. 2014. The composition and role of convergent technological repertoires in audiovisual media consumption. Behaviour & Information Technology. 33 (8), pp. 844-858.
Bourgett, J. 2014. Children’s public service broadcasters and their challenges in the online era: a comparison between the UK and Germany. PhD thesis University of Westminster Faculty of Media, Arts and Design
D'Arma, A. 2014. Public service media in Europe at times of crisis: some reflections. Public Value Report 2013/2014. pp. 64-66.
Barnett, S. and Townend, Judith 2014. 'And what good came of it at last?' Press–politician relations post-Leveson. The Political Quarterly. 85 (2), p. 159–169.
Liu Guiping 2014. China’s popular TV dramas & their role in the party’s political communication since 2001. PhD thesis University of Westminster Faculty of Media, Arts and Design
Fuchs, Christian 2014. Why we need alternative social media before it is too late. Connect-World, Global-ICT. 2014 (18), pp. 29-30 13.
Fuchs, Christian and Sandoval, M. 2014. Digital workers of the World unite! A framework for critically theorising and analysing digital labour. tripleC: Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society. 12 (2), pp. 486-563.
Fuchs, Christian 2014. The dialectic: Not just the absolute recoil, but the world’s living fire that extinguishes and kindles itself. Reflections on Slavoj Žižek’s version of dialectical philosophy in "Absolute recoil. Towards a new foundation of dialectical materialism". tripleC: Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society. 12 (2), pp. 848-875.
Fuchs, Christian 2014. WikiLeaks and the Critique of the Political Economy. International Journal of Communication. 8, pp. 2718-2732.
Fuchs, Christian 2014. Thomas Piketty’s Book “Capital in the Twenty-First Century”, Karl Marx and the Political Economy of the Internet. tripleC: Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society. 12 (1), pp. 413-430.
Fuchs, Christian 2014. QTube – citizen-generated videos for questions to the Prime Minister. Submission to the House of Commons’-Speaker’s Commission on Digital Democracy. May 19, 2014. UK Parliament.
Fuchs, Christian 2014. OccupyMedia! The Occupy movement and social media in crisis capitalism. Winchester, UK Zero Books.
Fuchs, Christian 2014. Medios sociales y esfera pública. Telos – Revista de Pensamiento sobre Comunicación, Tecnología y Sociedad. 98, pp. 71-82.
Sandoval, M., Fuchs, Christian, Prodnik, J.A., Sevignani, S. and Allmer, T. (ed.) 2014. Philosophers of the World unite! Theorising digital labour and virtual work - definitions, dimensions and forms (tripleC Special Issue). TripleC.
Fuchs, Christian 2014. Book review: Manuel Castells, Networks of Outrage and Hope: Social Movements in the Internet Age. Media, Culture & Society. 36 (1), pp. 122-124.
Garnham, N. and Fuchs, Christian 2014. Revisiting the political economy of communication. tripleC: Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society. 12 (1), pp. 102-141.
Fuchs, Christian and Sandoval, M. 2014. Introduction: Critique, social media and the information society in the age of capitalist crisis. in: Fuchs, Christian and Sandoval, M. (ed.) Critique, social media and the information society New York Routledge. pp. 1-47
Fuchs, Christian and Sandoval, M. 2014. Critique, social media and the information society. New York Routledge.
Fuchs, Christian 2014. Theorising and analysing digital labour: from global value chains to modes of production. The Political Economy of Communication. 2 (1), pp. 3-27.
Fuchs, Christian 2014. Social media: a critical introduction. London Sage.
Fuchs, Christian 2014. Social media and the public sphere. tripleC: Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society. 12 (1), pp. 57-101.
Fuchs, Christian 2014. Karl Marx and the study of media and culture today. Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research. 6 (3), pp. 39-76.
Fuchs, Christian 2014. Digital prosumption labour on social media in the context of the capitalist regime of time. Time & Society. 23 (1), pp. 97-123.
Fuchs, Christian 2014. Digital labour and Karl Marx. New York Routledge.
Fuchs, Christian 2014. Dallas Smythe reloaded: critical media and communication studies today. in: McGuigan, L. and Manzerolle, V. (ed.) The audience commodity in a digital age: revisiting critical theory of commercial media New York Peter Lang. pp. 267-288
Fuchs, Christian 2014. Critique of the political economy of informational capitalism and social media. in: Fuchs, Christian and Sandoval, M. (ed.) Critique, social media and the information society New York Routledge. pp. 51-65